Kubernetes use cases- Some new and important terminologies

2 min readMar 9, 2021

CVS means a centralized version system.
In this, all data versions are stored in centralized systems.

Git is a source code management (SCM)tool and whereas CVS means a centralized version system. CVS uses file system to manage code and git uses repository also git is faster than CVS hence git is preferred over CVS.

Different environments in production are required for different use cases so other things won't affect if any function gets some problem.

A global traffic manager is created so web app or websites can reliably appear on the internet.

To crash production system known only as the purpose of testing is known as chaos testing.

CPU requests mean a number of requests by users for CPU use.
CPU limit means the number of CPUs available for use of the client.
CPU leaks are when CPU requests are full and it still requires CPU it is known as CPU leaks.

SCC means security context constraints used to allow admin to control LinuxNamespaces divides the kernel resources such that one process can use only one set of resources while another set of processes can use a different set of resources.

Grafana is a tool used to monitor how many resources are used by every service.

I hope this helps in getting some ideas about the tool and its use cases in K8.

Thank You for reading.

