Industry use cases of Azure Kubernetes Service

2 min readMar 4, 2021

Let us understand what Kubernetes is with some follow-up questions and try answering them.

Asking question is the best way of learning and visualizing things. Lets start.

๐Ÿ‘‰ What is Kubernetes?
โœ”1. it is a tool used for Container management.
๐Ÿ‘‰ What are the benefits of using Kubernetes?
โœ”2. autoscaling: automatic launch and shutdown of containers as per the traffic.
Multi-tenancy: the capability to manage multiple hosts.
๐Ÿ‘‰ On which architecture does Kubernetes work?
โœ” works on the architecture of Pods.
๐Ÿ‘‰ What is a multinode cluster and single-node cluster in Kubernetes?
โœ”4.multi-node cluster โ€” one master(controller) and multiple workers(POD)
Single node โ€” one system behaving as master and worker both.
๐Ÿ‘‰ What do you mean by a pod in Kubernetes?
โœ”5. the container in DE is known as Pods in K8.

Now, we had a basic intro to k8 technology, letโ€™s continue forward with some real use cases.

Logicworks is a Microsoft Azure Gold Partner that helps companies migrate their applications to Azure. In the example below, one of our customers was looking to deploy and scale their public-facing web application on AKS in order to solve the following business use case:

  • Achieve portability across on-prem and public clouds
  • Accelerate containerized application development
  • Unify development and operational teams on a single platform
  • Take advantage of native integration into the Azure ecosystem to easily achieve:

Enterprise-Grade Security

  • Azure Active Directory integration
  • Track, validate, and enforce compliance across Azure estate and AKS clusters
  • Hardened OS images for nodes

Operational Excellence

  • Achieve high availability and fault tolerance through the use of availability zones
  • Elastically provision computes capacity without needing to automate and manage the underlying infrastructure.
  • Gain insight into and visibility into your AKS environment through automatically configured control plane telemetry, log aggregation, and container health


Cluster Multi-Tenancy:

Multiple tenants(users) can connect to the same cluster and can work in their private isolated namespace.

Scheduling and Resource Quotas

we can ensure that our applications get the resources they need and that compute infrastructure is scaled in when they need it.

Azure AD integration

Leverages Azure AD to authenticate/authorize users to access and initiate CRUD (create, update, and delete) operations against AKS clusters

Pod Identities

Dynamic use of labels for security issues as IP of the Pod changes on every boot.

Ingress Controller

traffic control by creating ingress rules and routes, providing application services with reverse proxying, traffic routing/load balancing, and TLS termination.


Using AKSโ€™ toggle-based implementation, application services hosted on the AKS cluster can easily be monitored and debugged using Azure Monitor.

Thanking Youโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

